Premium Coaching

You're Ready For The Next Step!

Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Because you’re here, you are probably thinking about your health and wellness which is amazing. Our programs at Kingdom Power Living are designed to push you to know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13) and that includes an active lifestyle and healthier dietary choices. If you are interested in working with Coach April, visit here to complete a brief questionnaire and we will schedule an appointment to determine if we are a good fit and the right program for you.

The primary difference between us and other programs is that you are applying your faith on the journey, therefore, you have a greater rate of success. So, if you are ready to change your life as well as the way you are thinking, sign up below for one of our programs and let’s get some Kingdom business done! And while you are at it, subscribe to our YouTube channel for more inspiration!

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Premium Coaching

Each of our programs are designed to challenge you to include your faith into your health and wellness journey. Just like every other aspect of your life, you need your faith!



We believe that nutrition is a big portion your health and wellness journey and each of our fitness programs incorporate a level of nutrition to guide you.


Exclusive Access

Having access to your coach is invaluable. And because we don’t believe in a one size fits all approach our coaching is hands on but also accountability based.


Tailored Programs

No matter what fitness level you are, we have a program for you. Again, not because we are one size fits all but because we start you where you are and then you soar.


Direct Contact

There is always a way to get in contact with a coach. However, we do believe there is a balance between direct contact and  independence on your journey. You got this!


Community Support

Each of our programs have a foundation of faith with two pillars of consistency and accountability. Our community assists with both as they are equally important.

You can have kingdom results like these kingdom women too

8 Week Program

8 Week Program​

6 Week Program

This program helps get you moving and progressively challenging yourself.

Premium, high-touch, personalized training to get you to your faith and fitness goals.

This program helps Kingdom Kouples lose weight and support each other through the process for God’s true purpose together.

12 weeks of live training to help you collapse time and get to your goals quicker. Space is limited so sign up now.

Online at home workouts that can take place from anywhere around the world with coach april right from your computer.

This is a online digital that you can go at your own pace. This program is designed for you jumpstart your wellness and reset your body.

Hear what others have to say...





The Begining

“I went from 0 to 14 sit-ups after I prayed away the fear.”

After the program

“Your expertise along with the scriptures and weekly check-in make the journey engaging.”





“I love what you are doing.”

Complete Change

“Keep impacting the kingdom.”




At the start

“She has a relentless commitment and passion for others.”

How I feel now

“You changed my life.”

Additional programs:

Biggest Winner Challenge: A fun competition that shows how much you win by how much you lose.

Girlfriends Circle: a customizable fitness program for you and a group of your girls that’s filled with faith, fun and accountability. Who better to work with towards your fitness goals than the tribe you are closest to?

Monthly Membership Program: Ongoing monthly program to support you on your faith and fitness journey to maintain success.

wellness products

Kingdom Living is holistic. We believe taking care of your temple includes your environment and the things you consume outside of food. Clean eating, clean supplements, clean products and so on. Below are a few that I have highlighted and believe fit the Clean Kingdom Living bill. Pun intended!

Immune Health and Support
Cognitive Function and Energy
Bone Formation and Mood Regulation
No more toxic plastic to wrap and store your food
Non toxic cleaning cloth that replaces many household items
All-Natural, Non-Toxic and 100% Plant-Derived Cleaner


Book - Available


Free guide-5 things to avoid


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